Saturday, 31 March 2012

The Booth Behind Me: Bonzinni's Brew Pub

-I think Obama's gonna win again.
-I didn't think so a couple months ago, but he's gotta like the people he's running against. They're complete morons.
-Ya like Barak?
-I don't know. I like his ideals. I don't like his administration.
-Oh, I was so pissed at him when he was talking to the Pope. He told him he would do everything in his power to stop abortion in the States. And then like three weeks later, he's giving like how many trillions of dollars to it.
-Well, yeah, but he's not gonna end abortion. That's so far gone, it's not even worth talking about.
-Yeah well. We're gonna start paying for it real soon.
-Ya think so?
-Oh totally. We're not gonna have enough people for the work force, not enough people to take care of elderly folks. They're already looking at fuckin euthanasia.
-Well it makes sense. Think about it. The generation that said, It's OK to kill little babies is breeding a generation that says, It's OK to kill old people. It's just a circle of fuckin death.
-It's depressing. Even Obama's whole campaign right now is, Somebody tell me why I should even fuckin run again?
-Seriously. He's dropping F-bombs everywhere. Why should he run?
-I don't know. Because we need you Barak. Hahaha.
-We neeeed you. Haha.
_Hahaha. Fuck, I need another beer.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Round Tables: South Residence

-I can't wait for the summer.
-Oh, me too.
-We'll go to the beach like every weekend, hey?
-Yeah, I hope so! The top of my bathing suit is on back order though, so I hope it gets here.
-Whattaya mean?
-Member that bathing suit I got online?
The top's on back order. So they sent the bottoms but not the top. I'll have to get a different top.
-So what. Big deal.
-Oh, yeah! Are you gonna buy it?
-Hahaha. Sugar daddy.
-Haha. Sure, why not?
-Or I could just let em all hang out.
-Hahaha. That'd be awesome!
-Oh yeah. You'd like that.
-I would like that.
-You wouldn't care who got to see my ta-tas. Haha. As long as you gotta see em.
-Hahaha. I'd say that's pretty accurate. Hahaha.
-Hahaha. Shut up!
-Ouch! Hahaha...

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Riddell Center

-I gotta take off. Been skipping way too much.
-K, Bro. See ya later.
-K, what is it with this word, Bro?
-I don't know.
-Why do people use it?
-It's just like, friend or like brotha from anotha motha, hahaha.
-Well what does Brodozer mean?
-What? Brodozer? Haha. Who says that?
-Ah... Do you know James... I can't remember his last name. He's in my psych class. Oh, he's dating Nina!
-Oh yeah. Ok. I haven't met him. I think I know who you mean though.
-Well anyway. He was telling me. Just outta nowhere. He's like going on about his friend coming outta the closet. And he was all, It kinda weirded me out, kinda stuff. So I said. I told him I don't think that would weird me out. I don't know, cause it's like two-thousand-and-twelve and that's like pretty normal these days. So he's like, Oh, it's just cause he grew up with him or whatever. But then when I was leaving, he was like, See ya later, Brodozer.
-Hahaha. So you think that's weird?
-Well I don't know. I just didn't know what he meant.
-It's just like Broski, or Broseph, or like Bromance, or Brosandwich. People just make things up.
-Weird. I thought it was like, some homosexual term or something.
-Hahaha. I doubt it. But then maybe he likes you. Hahaha.
-Ha ha. Yeah whatever. I gotta go. See ya later.
-See ya, Brobofski.
-Hahaha. What?
-I dunno. That was stupid.
-Hahaha. That was stupid.
-I tried. I tried.
-Haha. See ya, man.
-See ya.

Over Coffee: Tim Hortons

-Hey ladies! What are we talking abooouut?
-Hahaha. Oh, nothing.
-Come on, I wanna know!
-Our celebrity cruushees. Hahaha.
-Oh my god. Who's yours?
-I'm not tellin--
-Bruce Willis!
-Shut uup.
-Haha. He's hot! Nothing wrong with Bruce. Haha. And who's yours?
-Johnny Depp.
-Ooof course. Hahaha. Ok. Now mine. Ummm. K. I know everyone thinks he's an ass these days, but I can't seem to get over him.
-Mel Gibson. Hahaha.
-Hahaha. He is hot. I'll give you that.
-You know who else though? And this is really weird! Ok. My daughter is completely obsessed with Justin Bieber--
-You've got a crush on Justin Bieber?
-No! I don't. But ok. My daughter watches, Never Say Never, practically every day, and I watch it with her sometimes, and I just think he's super cute.
-Well cute, yeah.
-But not sexy.
-Well... I actually had a dream about him. Haha.
-Hahaha. Oh my god. A sex dream?
-Well, not quite. But it was headed that way.
-Hahaha. Oh my gosh. So Justin Bieber is the man of your dreams?
-Hahaha. I guess he is! It wasn't anything! But I did wake up a little flustered, hahaha.
-Hahaha. Oh my gosh.
-Don't judge! Hahaha...

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Behind me: Before Class

-This class is so boring I just can't stop doodling.
-I know me too.
-Here's Jesus as a cat.
-Jesus as a dog.
-Haha. The cat's way better.
-I don't know. It's pretty close.
-I've got boxes and cubes mostly.
-Hahaha. Here's a mildly offensive Jesus being eaten by a shark.
-Hahaha. Show the prof. I bet he'd say it's more than mildly offensive.
-Haha. He's smiling though. I don't think it hurts Jesus when he gets eaten.
-Hahaha. Oops. That was more maniacal than I planned.
-Hahaha. Maniacal laaauugh.
-Aww, I love that movie!
-I know, me too...

On the Bus: Between Home & School

-I'm so excited. I got tickets for Hunger Games on Friday.
-Oh my god, I would never see that movie.
-What? Why?
-I actually can't believe you're going to it.
-Why not? I'm so excited!
-Isn't it like a bunch of teenagers killing each other?
-Oh my gosh. That's not all it's about.
-But still. It seems like the friggen coliseum or something.
-Oh, give me a break. Did you watch Gladiator?
-Saw? Any War movie? Zombieland, or whatever?
-I've never seen Saw. And war movies are like, true stories.
-Still. How bout video games. Friggen Grand Auto whatever.
-Grand Theft Auto?
-Yeah, or any video game. Friggen Hamlet, everyone dies in the Hamlet.
-Yeah, but don't they like watch it on TV and like take bets and shit?
-Yeah. But that's the point. It's a dystopia. It's like if you take everything we watch today and make it real or something.
-it just sounds super creepy to me.
-And it's not like the kids are like pumped to kill each other. It's like a horrible thing. Even in the book. They're forced to do it. It supposed to be creepy.
-Well, whatever. You're just super passionate about them, or what?
-You should just read them. They're awesome. People are acting all like self-righteous about them, but they don't even have a clue.
-Well not you! But lotsa people.
I just think they're awesome.
-Who are you going with?

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Round Tables: South Residence

-Hey, how's it going?
-Ok... Just found out my mom's going to couple's therapy with her boyfriend.
-Really? Is that cool?
-I don't know. I mean I don't think they're even that messed up.
-Haha. Is there a certain level of messed you have reach before seeking therapy?
-Hahaha. I guess not. They're not as messed as her and Dad were, that's for sure.
-Well, maybe that's a good thing then.
-Maybe. I just feel like those therapists are retarted anyway. Sorry, stupid. Not retarted.
-Haha. As if I care.
-Well, I don't know. Hahaha. Some people do. Do you watch The Apprentice?
-Mmm, sometimes. Not really.
-Me neither, but Ellen had some guy who got fired on the other day.
-This week?
-Last week, I think. He was supposed to be some celebrity relationship counselor or something.
-Yeah. I can't even remember his name, but apparently he's famous. But he was, like, so. Stupid. The crowd could ask him questions, and this girl was like, Yeah, I work like twelve hour days or something, and my boyfriend always wants to do it as soon as I get home, and she wanted to know how to like tell him No sometimes, cause she's like fuckin exhausted. And all the guy said was like, Well who wouldn't want to do it if their girlfriend looked like you?
-Yeah! And then he's like, We all have to do things we don't wanna do like every day. So basically his relationship advice was, Do it anyway. Whenever he wants.
-That's so stupid. Haha. I'd say you're allowed to call him retarted.
-No kidding.
-What'd Ellen say?
-Nothing really. You could tell she felt really awkward.
-Yeah, no doubt. I mean, I don't know Ellen, but I feel like I do. Haha.
-Hahaha. You guys are best friends?
-Totally. Haha. I mean I watch her like everyday.
-But I bet she thought he was a douche bag.
-Totally. She was like, Words to live by and was like looking out at the crowd like she thought he was an idiot.
-Hahaha. I love Ellen...

Monday, 26 March 2012

From the Fireplace Chairs to the Line-Up: Starbucks

-Hey, you saw my Facebook post?
-Had to follow me here?
-I just needed a coffee...
-So you didn't see my post?
-Which post?
-I said I was going for coffee before work. My status.
-Oh. Heh. Nope. I just wanted a coffee.
-So you just randomly decided to come here?
-Uh... This is Starbucks.
-I know it's Starbucks! I never see you here, though.
-Really? I'm actually here like almost every day.
-Oh yeah right, Tom. I bet you saw my status.
-I'm just getting a coffee.
-Yeah riiight. You guys ever see him here? You're here every day, right?
-Every weekday, yeah.
-Ever seen him?
-A few times, yeah. For sure.
-But this early?
-Hmm. Not sure.
-I'm just getting a coffee. I wasn't even on Facebook this morning.
-Ok, sure. But you're gonna sit with us, right?
-Nope. Just getting a coffee on my way to work.
-Yeah right. Come sit.
-Goin' to work. See ya later.
-Okaaay. See ya... Well, that was weird...

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Across from Us: McDonalds

-What's your boy's name?
-Uh, Tony.
-Tony. He's cute. Hey, Tony. Come here?
-Heh. He's kind of shy.
-No, that's good. I got these three kids here. I told each one as soon as they could listen. I told em, if anyone ever says to you, come here, you don't even move.
-That's probably a good thing.
-That is a good thing. I tell them exactly what a stranger will do to em. I tell them, in detail, what a stranger will do to em.
-No. If that seems brutal, if that scares them, Good.
-Yeah, I guess hey.
-I say they should be scared. They should run from any stranger they meet.
-That's good. Yeah.
-You hear that, Tony?
-Say, yeah, Tony. Say, we haveta go now, mister. Say, see ya.
-Hahaha. He's cute. We gotta go too. Gotta go get some weed. Hahaha.
Just kiddin. Just kiddin.
-I'd never do that with the kids...

Halfway Up the Stairs: It's a Blast Playplace

-Hey, Carter! Wanna come upstairs and dance with us?
-How come? It's so much fun.
-Are you sure?
-I'm not a girl!
-Oooh. Carter, boys can dance too.
-Boys run.
-What? Woop, there he goes...

Friday, 23 March 2012

The Big Table: Starbucks

-Oh my god, there's Jenna.
-Jenna. Don't look. I don't want her to see-- Shit. She saw me.
-What? Haha.
-She's coming over. Crap.
-Who is she?
-Heeeey, Jennnaaa. How are you?
-I'm well! How are you?
-Good. Gooood.
-Who's this?
-Oh. Jenna this is Kelly. Kelly, Jenna. I went to elementary school with Jenna.
-We were best friends.
-Well... We were good friends.
-Cool. Cool.
-We were Best friends. Until you ditched me for Jeremy.
-Oh please. You say that every time I see you.
-It's true.
-I didn't ditch anyone.
-You skipped my birthday for his soccer game. We had a slumber party and she snuck out of my house.
-Oooh, maaan...
-We were like 13.
-Yeah. Best friends.
-Ok, well whatever. It's nice to see you, Jenna.
-We should try to catch up sometime.
-Yeah, ok.
-I'm serious.
-Ok. Well call me or something.
-K. I'll Facebook you.
-K, see you.
-See you. Nice to meet you.
-Yeah. Same here.... That was awkward.
-She's always awkward.
-Would you actually 'catch up' with her?
-I don't know...
-She can hold a grudge.
-No kidding! Jeremy was pretty hot though.
-Was he?

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Cafeteria: Luther College

-D'you vote yet?
-You better do it. You have til 5.
-Whattaya mean?
-I'm not voting?
-Why not? You haveta vote. You have no right to complain if you don't.
-That. Is why I don't vote. Why is that everyone's argument for voting?
-Well if you don't make your voice known, how is anyone supposed to listen.
-You think anyone will wonder if I voted if I'm making my voice known? You think people who complain are just complaining because they voted?
You think people who voted for Harper aren't complaining? The only thing anyone's said from either side is, The other guys are horrible people, and you can't complain if you don't vote.
-Well, that's not all. We're gonna revitalize--
-No. I don't even care. I don't even want to complain. just wanna get my degree and be gone. I wanna complain about actually having elections.
-Ok. Ok. Fair enough.

Beside the Fireplace: Starbucks

-I had the craziest pizza dream last night.
-Oh yeah?
-I was so hungry around ten o'clock so I had some left over pizza, and boy did I pay for it.
-Haha. How so?
-K. I'm just piecing it together, but I started in a bathtub, just floating there with my head under the water, so the world was all muted right?
-But then all these fish, like crazy fish, like neon and pink and blue and whatnot came swimming by and all of a sudden I'm in the ocean.
-My head's not under water, I'm floating, but everything's still muted and the fish are swimming past up in the air or something. Like flying fish but actually flying.
-That is weird.
-Yeah, but then I can hear this screaming from a mile away, it sounds like. Like I can just barely hear it at first, but it's getting louder and louder until it totally freaked me out. I was convinced my wife was dying or something.
-So then I'm aware it's a dream and I'm trying to wake up, but then its like I'm still floating but I'm looking into a fish tank and the fish are my friends from high school. I don't think they were still screaming, but I was still terrified.
-What? Haha.
-They still look like fish, right. But I know they're my friends some how, and they're all staring at me and blowing bubbles or something... And then I woke up, and I was all shaky.
-Really? It was that scary?
-Well it doesn't even sound scary, but it totally freaked me out. I almost couldn't go back to sleep.
-Ya think it means anything?
-The hell do I know? Don't eat pizza before bed, I guess.Haha.
-Hahaha. No kidding...

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

On the Bus: Between Downtown & Home

-Hey, ya know what I watched last night?
-That Hannibal movie!
-Oh, I hate horror movies.
-I know, I shoulda never watched it. I had nightmares all night. Have you seen it?
-No. I seriously can't handle horror movies.
-K, the end is so gross. Do you wanna know what happens?
-Not really...
-K. He like cuts off this guy's scalp. I don't know what he did to the guy, but he's all drugged up, so he's still alive.
-Eew. This is so gross. Please stop.
-No seriously it's horrifying. He makes the girl, like the main girl. She's all drugged up too, but he makes her eat the brain. He's like, This is the frontal lobe, and I'm pretty sure he's gonna eat the whole thing--
-Okaay. Stooop it.
-That's so gross!
-Yeah. It's Hannibal. Cannibal Hannibal. It's supposed to be gross.
-Yeah, but I said I don't wanna hear about it and you keep blabbing on and on about it.
-Hahaha. Well it's just a movie...

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

From Thirty Yards Away: Between Luther College & The Education Building

-Toni-i-i-ight. We-ee aaare yooo-uuung. So let's set the world on fii-iire. We can burn bri-i-ight-eer. Than the suuuuuuu-uuun. Toni-i-i-i-igh-t....

Monday, 19 March 2012

By the Sugar & Cream Counter: Starbucks

-D'you see the Folk Fest Lineup is out.
-Yeah, I saw that. Whattaya think?
-I don't know. It looks okay...
-Really? I thought it looked sweet.
-Yeah... I'm trying to convince myself it'll be lame cause I'm trying to avoid crowds.
-Haha. Seriously? Why?
-Well this is weird. I feel like I'm losing my mind, but I'm like always running into people. When I'm walking.
-What? Hahaha.
-I must always be in my own little world or something cause I like literally run into people all the time.
-Haha. Oh my gosh. You're so weird.
-I know. Haha.
-I guess I do that too, though.
-For real?
-I more like whack people with my arms, but yeah kinda the same. It hurts when I do it.
-Hahaha. Seriously?
-Well I hit people's like watches and stuff.
-Hahaha. Maybe we both need to avoid the Folk Fest.
-Oh, I'm going. I'll tie my arms down or something, but I'm going. Hahaha. I never miss it.
-Hahaha. Maybe I'll go. Just haveta watch my step, I guess...

Sunday, 18 March 2012

In Front of Me: Ticket Line - Regina Bus Depot

-I need a ticket to Calgary. For my daughter, here.
-Okay! Coming right up.
-Just don't sit at the back.
-Why not?
-That's where the crazies try to chop off your head.
-Just kidding, just kidding. But seriously.
-Don't listen to him. That really doesn't happen very often.
-Very often?!
-Just try not to fall asleep.
-What? Oh my god.
-Hahaha. We're just kidding. He's just kidding. Seriously, Sweetheart, it's ok.
-Do I have to go? I don't want to go.
-I am very sorry. Very sorry. I...
-It's ok. It's ok. She'll be fine.
-How do you know?
-No one ever gets their head chopped off. I've ridden the bus a thousand times. No one has ever asked to chop my head off.
-They're not gonna ask!
-I'm just kidding!! No one has ever tried. I've never even thought someone might want to.
-Whatever, Dad.
-Your mom will be happy to see you.
-So... One to Calgary?

Two Booths: McDonalds

-Hey, can I have a loonie?
-Well, what do you need it for?
-Uh... to buy something. Hahaha.
-Hahaha. What else would it be for?
-How old are you boys?
-Uh... Twelve.
-Why? Real creepy question. Hahaha.
-Well, let's see. When I was twelve it woulda been nineteen-forty-five. Everyone worked very hard for a dollar.
-You're old.
-Yes, I guess I am old.
-Well can we have one or what?
-No. You may not.
-How come?
-Come on, man.
-If I give you a dollar, what do you think that would teach you?
-Uh... K never mind. Haha.
-Hahaha. Too cheap.
-It would teach you you don't have to work for a dollar.
-Hahaha. We don't work for a dollar. It's just a dollar. Hahaha.
-Well you should work for it.
-Ok, ok. We get it.
-Just a cheap guy. Hahaha.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

The Front Entrance: Chapters Bookstore

-It smells like diabetes in here.

Looking Out the Window: Fort Qu' Appelle A&W

-Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. That boy just isn't afraid of anything anymore. I seen him blowing through that stop sign most every morning.
-He's gonna have a wreck any minute.
-He needs to. He needs to wreck right at that corner. That'll teach em.
-Uh huh. Uh huh.
-It might kill him, but it'll teach him a lesson.
-That's for darn sure.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

The Stools: University Coffee Shop

-You should put some of that in your blog. Do you still blog?
-Ah. Barely ever.
-How come? I love your blog.
-I don't know. I feel like it's just like random shit. Like no one even knows what I'm talking about.
-I don't think so. And who cares? Blogs are supposed to be random shit.
-I don't know.
-D'you hear about that guy who just blogs random conversations?
-No. Weird. Like his own conversations?
-No he just like eaves troughs on everybody.
-Hahaha. What'd you say? Eaves trough?
-Shut up, What's it called?
-Hahaha. Eaves Drops.
-Well whatever. He just listens to random people and blogs about it.
-Have you read it?
-A couple. Cause my friend thinks he was listening to her.
-Oh he's from here?
-I think so.
-Haha. That's so weird. What was she saying?
-Your friend! Haha.
-Oh! Haha. I dunno. This guy in her class was like telling her how he doesn't study or something. She said it was pretty much exactly what they said.
-That's kinda creepy.
-I know! But they're pretty funny. One girl was like going on and on about her boyfriend's dick.
-As if.
-I bet he makes them up.
-I don't know. They're pretty crazy. Like this one guy goes to the car wash every day or something.
-That doesn't sound that crazy.
-Well who would think of that? unless it was true?
-I don't know. Anybody. How does anybody think of anything?
-I dunno. I bet they're true. You should read them.
-Watch he'll be on Oprah appologizing for lying.
-Hahaha. Or Ellen. Oprah's not even a show anymore.
-Hahaha. Whatever.
-I love Ellen. Did you see where she had those little girls singing Nicki Minaj?
-I don't watch Ellen.
-Oh my god you have to watch Ellen.

Beside me: Quiznos Subs

-Double flusher.
-Double flusher. Haha.
-Are you kidding me?
-Did you seriously just come back from the can to tell me about your shit?
-Haha. I guess so.
-That's disgusting.
-Seriously, dude. Have some respect.
-Aw man, sorry dude...

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Waiting for the Bus: Classroom Building

-Aw, I'm so sick of school right now. I just want it to end.
-Drop out.
-Yeah. I wish. I was this close the other day.
-Haha. Seriously? What would you do?
-I don't know! That's the thing. But I'm just sitting here, studying all these fuckin crazy works of art and I just keep thinking, I should be doing this. Not studying it.
-Yeah... I can't really relate. I just wanna get through it so I can start working.
-Don't you feel like you should be doing something? Like something important?
-I kinda think teaching is important.
-Yeah. Oh totally. But I mean. How many, like, revolutionaries were teachers?
-Yeah I guess... But would there be revolutionaries without someone teaching them what needs revolutionizing?
-I dunno.
-Me neither...

Inside & Out: Cozy Cradles & Kids Wear

-Aaaaahhhh!! Call nine-one-one! Call nine-one-one!!
-What happened?!
-I fell on the ice with my daughter. I just fell on the ice with my daughter.
-Oh my gosh. Where is she?
-She's outside. Can't you here her crying?
-Ok ok. Here's the phone.
-You need to melt that ice out there! Hello? I need the ambulance! I'm at. Oh what's it called? What's this place called?
-I'm at Cozy Cradle! I fell on the ice with my daughter! I don't know! Just wait a sec. Can you hold?
-She's ok, Tina. Just come out here.
-She hit her head!
-I don't think she did. She's holding her knee.
-Ok. Hello? I think she's ok. She might have broken her knee. Are you sure she's ok?!
-She's fine, Tina. She just wants her mom.
-K. I gotta go. Ya thanks. You need to get rid of that goddam ice out there...

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Cafeteria: Riddell Center

-Man, I had the worst time falling asleep last night. I got like no sleep at all.
-Aw, that sucks. I used to have like friggen insomnia. I'd stay up for days.
-I hate it so much.
-Does it happen lots?
-Quite a bit, yeah.
-You should try drinking a bit of wine before bed.
-It totally works.
-You just have a glass before bed? Like in your bed?
-No! Haha. Like when I'm watching TV or whatever. I don't know, it's just really relaxing.
-You don't feel weird drinking alone?
-Oh, I drink with my cat.
-She totally loves it. I just pour a bit in a bowl and she gobbles it up.
-Oh my god that's so weird.
-She's totally a cheap drunk too. Haha. It takes her like one bowl and she's all tipsy. Haha.
-Haha. So you don't feel like an alcoholic cause you drink with your cat instead of by yourself.
-Hahaha. I'm totally not an alcoholic.
-I'm not to sure drinking with a cat helps your case much. Haha.
-Haha. Well I sleep like a baby so. Have fun staying up all night.
-Well what kind do you get?

Monday, 12 March 2012

Tables in the Back Foyer: Luther College

-Do you happen to smoke?
-No, I don't. Sorry.
-That's cool. No worries.
-Hey, do you smoke?
-Aw, I do, but I don't have any on me.
-Aw man. Ok.
-Hey, do you have a smoke I could borrow?
-Na. I quit.
-You just hang out here now?
-Yeah, haha. I'm waiting for people I know to come by so I can bum a smoke.
-Oh hahaha. Getting desperate?
-Just slightly...

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Amongst Shelves: Chapters Bookstore

-Are you ready yet? I'm getting bored.
-No! I Still haven't picked one out.
-Well would ya hurry up? Hahaha.
-I'm hurryin. I'm hurryin.
-I can only spend so much time here. Too many words. Too many ideas.
-Haha. That's why I can't pick.
-Ya start wishin there was magic if you're here too long.
-Haha. Or believing in it.
-Hahaha. Exactly.
-That's why I love it here.
-I knew you were crazy.
-Hahaha. I guess you were right. I think I'll get this one.
-Ok, good. So we're done?
-I guess so, yeah...

The Front Entrance: Downtown Library

-Have you seen Walking Dead?
-That zombie show?
-Yeah, yeah.
-I watched it once, yeah. Is it ever gruesome.
-I know. It's so awesome. I can't get enough of it.
-Oh man, I can't watch it.
-I totally think it's like the best show on TV right now.
-I thought I was gonna love it, but that first episode there's this little girl zombie that looked Exactly like my little niece.
-Haha. That's hilarious. She totally does!
-I know, man. But it kinda shook me up. I'm like terrified of my niece now.
-Hahaha. You serious?
-I have nightmares about her.
-Just like the show, only I'm the one who has to shoot my own niece in the head.
-Laugh it up, man. Haha. I'm serious. I can't ever remember having nightmares until I watched that.
-Oh man. That's so messed up. Haha.
-Haha. It is Totally messed up.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

By the Drink Machines: 7-11

-Are those actually any good?
-Oh, yes! I've been waiting all winter to have one. I think it's finally nice enough to have a cold drink.You'll have to try one.
-Maybe. Sometime. I didn't think old people liked cold coffee.
-Oh, well that's not very nice.
-I didn't think little girls liked being rude.
-I'm not that little.
-Well I'm not that old...

Friday, 9 March 2012

Behind Us: Wendy's

-Oh man, I can't Wait to eat my burger.
-K. Keep it in your pants. People are listening.
-Hahaha. What's that supposed to mean?
-Well you're like sweating. It's just a burger.
-Shut up. Haha. You're such a jerk...

The Pit: Education Building

-Oh, I rarely ID anyone.
-Really? Can't you get in trouble if you don't? My sister said she almost got fired cause she wasn't.
-Well you're supposed to. But it's like so easy to tell. This one table had like eight people, probly my age, all ordering drinks. But then there's this one guy who just looks real nervous. So I asked for his, and he's all like, Uh... Uh... I'll just have a coke. Haha.
-Hahaha. Did he look a lot younger?
-No. He looked about the same. Just really nervous.
-Hahaha. What if the other guys were just good actors?
-Haha. I don't know. Well whatever. They knew what to order. I'm sure they could handle it. Haha. Hey, you heard Ethan's brother is going to Vegas for his stag?
-Yeah, I think I heard that.
-K. Friggen Ethan wants me to go with them, but I'm like, I'm not even twenty-one. What the hell am I gonna do in Vegas?
-Hahaha. Exactly.
-I don't what he's gonna do. I don't think he's twenty one yet.
-Maybe he's a good actor. Haha.
-Hahaha. Yeah I guess, hey...

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Tables at Hendersons: Luther College

-It was just so sad. I almost cried... But I shouldn't talk to you about this stuff. You like, hate animals.
-I do not. I love animals.
-As if!
-I do! I love the way they taste. Hahaha.
-Oh my god that's so rude.
-Ok. Ok. I think it's cool if you wanna have a pet cat, or whatever. That's up to you. I'm just not worried about people killing animals. So I can eat them. Haha.
-Dooon't, that's mean. They like torture them and stuff.
-Yeah. But then they're animals. So I'm sorry, I just don't care if they torture them.... Just like I don't care if they torture terrorists. They're terrorists for crap's sake.
-Well that's different... I guess... But they're still people.
-Crazy fucked up people.
-What I think is crazy is we have a government owned and operated television network.
-We do?
-CBC. You didn't know that?
-Oh my god. How is that as crazy as torturing people?
-Think about it. They could so easily be brainwashing us.
-You are seriously so weird sometimes.

Out of the Blue: Behind Me In Class

-I need to start a petition to get 'Fagilicious' added to the dictionary.
-Hahaha. Fagilicious. All you need to do us get several people to use it regularly, and it'll catch on.
-Will you use it regularly?
-Fagilicious. Hahaha.
-Hahaha. You are so fagilicious.
-You are more fagilicious than normal. Hahaha.
-Hahaha. Oh man...

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

By the Front Window: Starbucks

-Hey, Terra!
-Oh, hey.
-Long friggen time no see!
-Yeah, no kidding. How are you?
-Good! Good. Hey what are you up to?
-Oh, just workin on some homework.
-Ah. Great. Can I buy you a drink?
-Uh.. I don't know.
-Come on. Just one drink. It won't take long.
-Na... I don't think so. I've gotta get going, I think.
-Please. Just one drink.
-I'm sorry. I really gotta go.
-Ah... Ok... I'll see you, I guess.
-Yeah, see you...
-Ah, what the hell...
-You came back?!
-Yeah... Just for a minute though!
-Hahaha. That's fine! That's great. Whattaya havin?
-Um... An Americano?
-Sure. Great. This is awesome. Just wait here. I'll get it. Be right back...

A Birthday Party: McDonald's

-Do you believe in God?
-I believe the Mayans.
-What's that?
-They propheceed the end of the world this year.
-That's not true.
-Yes it is!
-How come there's trees outside?
-Nooo, at Christmas time they said.
-I don't think you believe in that.
-Yes I do. My brother told me.
-How come you're playing then?
-I don't know.
-You should go rescue people.
-I'd rather play because it's my birthday today.
-We should try to get all the bad guys before Christmas time...

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Around the Pit: Administration Building

-Oh my god. Is this a flash mob?
-I know. Seriously.
-Is it like two-thousand-two?
-Hahaha. No doubt. And to Nickleback?
-No freaking kidding.
-What the hell?

At work: Martin Collegiate

-So... Apparently I'm going out with him.
-What? Who?
-He followed me out yesterday and said, I'm walking you to the bus stop.
Annnd then before I got on the bus he was like, We're going out on Friday.
-Oh my god. Well you don't have to. Do you even want to?
-I don't know. Not really...
-Well don't then. You don't have to do anything.
-I don't think he'll take no for an answer.
-Oh my god. Just don't go. He's just a guy. Just stay away from him.
-But he'll follow me out of school.
-So what! You don't have to do anything if you--
-I do.
-Maybe I want to go out with him.
-Okay. Well whatever. You can do whatever you want...

Monday, 5 March 2012

On the Bus: Between School & the In-Laws'

-We're talking about that in class right now. How you can present someone that's totally not even you on Facebook. Or wherever.
-Like how so?
-Like say you're partying or whatever, and you end up puking everywhere and making an ass of yourself. You'll put up pictures of you and your friends partying, but as if you'd put up pictures with puke all over yourself.
-Which class is this?
-Philosophy. Basically he's saying that everything we do presents a certain, like planned version of ourselves. A guy wearing a kilt to school isn't saying, I don't care what you think. He's saying, I want you to think I'm the type-a-guy who wears kilts.
-That's all too deep for me.
-It's almost like nothing is totally true. We are all telling stories all of the time.
-That's weird.
-Haha. Totally. Interesting, though.
-Heh. I guess... Did you hear Ethan's going to Vegas for his brother's stag?
-He is?! Seriously?
-I saw it on his Facebook...

In the Pit: Education Building

-Well, it was nice seeing you.
-It was. Totally. We should definitely hang out sometime.
-Yeah... Sure... I actually write on your Facebook wall all the time to see what you're doing, buuut you never reply.
-Oh. Haha. Really?
-I should probably address that, huh?
-Yeah. Well. I mean. If you want to.
-Ok. I will.
-See ya.
-See ya soon.

On the Bus: Between Home & School

-I guess sometimes I just feel like my life is so tragic... Right now it's like a full-fledged tragedy.
-First there's my mom and all her shit that goes with her. You know about my mom, right?
-Mm hmm. A little bit.
-Well there's her. And then there's Jared leaving me. That tore me up huge.... I mean its not just that he left me, I guess. It's how he left me, ya know?
-Mm hmm.
-I just couldn't believe it. I was blind sided as hell. He told me he was gonna move in, hey?
-I didn't tell you? Like two weeks before he left, he said he wanted to think about moving in. Like talk about dropping a bomb on someone.
-That really sucks...
-I know... Sometimes I wish I was a real artist so I could like curl up in a corner of some fuckin brick-walled apartment in some huge city somewhere nobody knows me... And I could just sketch my goddamn angry heart out on the pages.
-Heh. You should try that. I mean try sketching. Or whatever.
-Yeah, but I feel like if I was somewhere big, there's at least a chance of someone finding them and making my life into some kinda tragic masterpiece or something. Like what's that Ryan Gosling show?
-Hmm... Not sure.
-With that Marilyn Monroe chick.
-I don't know.
-Anyway, I feel like I'm blabbing your ear off.
-Oh, no. It's cool.
-You're a very good listener.
-Thank you. Hahaha.
-Glad I ran into you...

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Over Coffee & Donuts: Tim Horton's

-Dude. That cop that was in front of me? They gave him his coffee for free. Extra friggen large. Didn't even say anything. Just handed it to 'em.
-Oh. Yeah. It's Tim Horton's policy that cops get free coffee.
-Are you kidding me?
-Like anytime they want?
-I don't know. I think so.
-That's why they're always here then.
-Haha. I guess so.
-I should be a friggen cop, man.
-Hahaha. To get free coffee?
-Well I have like three a day!
-I'm gonna go ahead and bet there's more to being a cop than free coffee.
-Yeah, but the coffee would make it all worth it.
-Hahaha. What ever you say, man.
-Seriously! I just can't get enough of the stuff...

Saturday, 3 March 2012

The Drink Fridge: 7-11

-Ew. You have a Pepsi mustache.
-Hahaha. What?
-You know like a milk mustache? Stop chugging it.
-Oh, as if. Like it's even that gross.
-It is gross! You're grossing me out. You haven't even paid for it.
-I'm so thirsty.
-Ok. Ew... Just go pay for it.

In Line: Costco

-It seems like all we talk about is Alzheimer's. Everyone is writing about it, all the time. It's so depressing.
-I know. Wouldn't it suck if one of us got it?
-Oh totally. That'd be horrible.
-I think it's one of my biggest fears.
-I think it'd be better if I got it than if you did.
-What? Why's that?
-Cause I feel like you'd actually take care of me.
-Oh. I totally would.
-Exactly. Me, I'd be all bitter and just drag you around all over. 'Time to go grocery shopping. Groceries are something you eat. Put your seat belt on. Oh you don't know how? Do you want a lollipop?'
-Oh my gosh. Haha. Are you listening to yourself? I wouldn't be brain-dead.
-Haha. Just being honest.
-So you'd be mad at me if I got Alzheimer's?
-Hahaha. Of course I would. Hahaha. Love you?
-Oh my gosh...

Friday, 2 March 2012

At a Table Downstairs: Downtown Library

-This is a killer pen. Where'd you get this?
-I get them at the UofR bookstore. They're by far the best pen I've found.
-I love a good pen.
-Oh, me too. I'm something of an unintentional kleptomaniac when it comes to pens.
-Me friggen too. I'm intentional, even. I'll steal a pen from under your nose if you're not careful.
-Haha. Okay. Good to know.
-Sometimes I feel like the right pen could change my life.
-Like if I just had the perfect pen, I could write the perfect story that could like change the world.
-Haha. You--
-I'm serious. When I'm writing, and the pen's all scratchy and I have to write a word like a hundred times before it looks ok, I just wanna shoot myself. I wanna snap it in half and throw it so hard it friggen jabs into the wall.
-Hahaha. I don't even know what you're saying.
-Sometimes I feel like my purpose in life is to find the perfect pen.
-Oh my god. You can have it. Hahaha. Take it. It's yours.
-Oh. Haha. I don't think this is the one... It's too inky... Or something...

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The Pit: Education Building

-So what'd your mom say?
-Oh my god she was so pissed. She was yelling at me for like ever.
-Hahaha. What'd she say?
-Well, she has this raging pink-eye right now, and it's all gross and goopy and like falling out of her face, so the whole time I was just thinking, Why don't you just scratch that thing out?
-Hahaha. You weren't even listening?
-All I know is I'm grounded.
-Grounded? Seriously?
-She was all like, You're grounded. Indefinitely.
-But you're pretty much an adult. You're in university.
-I know! Buuut I still live in her house... Annnd I still drive her car... Annnd I still spend her money. Hahaha.
-I guess so. Haha. And doesn't she still pay for your cell phone bill?
-Yeah! Haha. She totally does...
-So I guess she can ground you then. Haha.
-She'll forget by tomorrow, prolly.