Monday 27 February 2012

By the Fire: Java Express, South

-Hey there. How are ya?
-Oh hey! I'm pluggin along just fine. Just fine. How are you?
-I'm doing well, yeah for sure.
-You still married?
-Uh... Yup. Last time I checked.
-Hahaha. Ya happy?
-Of course I am. Haha. Why d'you ask?
-Just wondering. Just wondering. Just being friendly. How is the old guy?
-He's well. He's well for sure. We're actually thinking. Well, we are. We're moving back to Toronto in a couple months.
-No shit? What for?
-Oh, we miss it. Family's there. He's got his old job if he wants it.
-Well in that case you'll have to come over.
-Haha. What? What for?
-I got this camera on boxing day, and I can't figure the damn thing out. You know cameras don't ya?
-Uh... Little bit, I guess.
-I remember you used to be fiddling around with one all the time.
-I guess I was for a while, yeah.
-That was a long time ago. Before your whole married life nonsense.
-Haha. Yeah that was a while ago.
-Well what are ya doing right now? We could swing over to my place and take a look.
-Oh... No. I really should get going. I'm meeting Jared for lunch actually.
-Oh, you eat with him every day I bet. Forget about him for a while.
-No, I really don't think so. I should be going. I'll see you later.
-Well it's certainly always a pleasure seeing you. We've gotta connect before you take off.
-I'll see ya later.
-Oh, I hope so. I hope so...

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