Tuesday 18 September 2012

On a Bench: Downtown

-Oh, this looks nice. Here in the sun. Can I sit with you?
-Four days from now...
-Summer officially ends in four days. At two-twenty-something.
-Yuh. Whoever decided that, I don't know. Seems crazy to me. Why not midnight.
-We had a nice summer though, didn't we?
-Oh, I only ever swim in my bathtub.
-Yuh. I swim in the tub two days a week. The rest of the days. Five days a week I shower.
-Oh sure. Yuh. This is the fiddle. I bring her down here every so often. I only play quiet.
-It's not as good as it used to be. The busses used to stop up here on twelfth, eh. So they all had to walk down there. But now it's just quiet, see."
-Well, the city messed that up, eh.
-What a mess. They made that Novia Cafe shut down. What a shame. What a mess.
-Ooh yeah. You know, I remember that Novia Cafe from when I moved here in nineteen-forty-eight. I would eat there almost all the time. Lots of food, eh. Not like these places.
-You know back then I worked for Willis Williams. He had a farm out that way. Well his dad, ya see, had thirty-six sections of land out there. He said he came late eighteen-hundreds. Bought up that land for four dollars an acre.
-Yuh. Yuh. Four dollars. And then his dad--I forget his name--he bought a store over there on Hamilton street. Four story building. So he divided that land between his three kids.
-Yuh. Willis. And George. And a girl. Ya know I forget what the hell her name was.
And Willis he farmed his twelve sections plus six sections of the girl's. Now what was her goddam name? Ya know I thought we mighta been interested in each other for a while there.
-Yuh, but ya know that's my one regret. I don't have any regrets in my life. Regrets make you depressed, eh. But I do regret that.
-I regret not finding my love. You make sure you find your love now.
-Oh well! You've got it sorted out. Good for you, boy. Good for you.
-Yuh... Yuh... Ya know, that's why I bring the fiddle down here. So I can cry for my love. Cause I can't cry, see.
-I don't come every day. But when I haveta cry about it, I bring her down here. I only play quiet, see. I don't wanna bother people.
-It's not sad, eh. It's a nice cry. Makes me feel better. Me and the fiddle.
-Yuh. Uh huh. Ok. You enjoy the weather, see. Only four days left. Hahaha.
-See you. See you soon. See you soon.

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