Tuesday 11 September 2012

Eating Area: Campion College

-K. So my sister had her baby right? And we were all so excited to go see it. Cause we were like, Ok this is going to be the cutest kid in the world. You've met her right? She's like, pretty good looking. And her husband is like. So hot. Like I thought he was a douche at first, but he's actually pretty cool. And he's really hot. Like, I'm kinda jealous of her kind if hot. Hahaha.
-Hahaha. Like hotter than Jeff?
-Oh way hotter. I'm not gonna lie. Haha.
-Don't tell him I said that.
-As if I would.
-Actually. Who cares. I tell him all the time. Hahaha.
-Haha. Oh my gosh.
-Well he's hot, OK? He just is. So yeah. You'd think with their genes, they'd make like beautiful babies, but we all went to see them in the hospital last night--
-Oh she just had it?
-Yeah. Like yesterday morning.
-Aww! I love new borns.
-Yeah I know. That's what we thought. But...
-Not cute?
-No. Not cute.
-Awww. What'd you say?
-Oh I was like, Oh my god she's the cutest little thing in the world. But actually I was like, what the hell happened.
-Hahaha. Aww that's sad.
-I know.
-Like she just doesn't have nice features, or...
-I don't know. She's like bald, for one thing. And her face is all. Squished or something. I don't know. She's just. Not cute.
-Awww. What'd they name her?
-Pff. Lana. I was like, You could of at least picked a cute name.
-But no. It's Lana.
-Lana's not that bad is it?
-I don't know. I don't like it.
-I think it's kind of cute.
-Maybe it's cause I saw the baby.
-Aww. That's so mean.
-I know... I feel bad. I'm sure she'll like, grow into it or something.
-Yeah totally. Kids always grow into their name. My cousin's named Andrew and nobody thought he'd look like an Andrew, but he totally does now--
-Oh my gosh. My mom told me she almost named me Cindy.
-Could you ever picture me as a Cindy?

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