Thursday, 27 June 2013

In the Shade: Wascana Park

-Hey, whattaya think about when you listen to music?
-What? I dunno.
-You just sit there?
-I dunno. I guess so. I guess I just think about the music.
-Yeah. I guess.
-Whatta you think about?
-I dunno. I'm just thinkin right now like, sometimes I just think about the music. And I like that eh? Cause it kinda just takes me. Like. Out somewhere. On my own. But then sometimes I start thinking about the lyrics, or like the little guitar riff or something,  and that makes me think. Like. Who writes this stuff? And then I'm like thinking of some guy tryin to figure out howta write a perfect song in his basement and how weird it prolly feels when there's like a million people singing your song when you wrote it by yourself in your basement.
-Hahaha. No kidding.
-And it's like me and the artist get to hang out for a while. 
-Hahaha. What?
-For real. That's what it feels like. Sorta. But then it's like sometimes the song reminds me of somethingand I start thinking about. Like. I dunno life or something, and I'm not thinking about the music at all.  So then it's like the music moved me somewhere. And like. I wouldn'ta got there without the music, but now I left the music behind. Or something.
-Hahaha. You're trippin me out dude.
-But then if the song stops or there's a new one, I like snap out of it, and I can't even. Like. Think of what I was thinking.
-Man. Are you high?
-Hahaha. Not even man. Haha.
-Hahaha.I should be. I just like totally blew myself away.
-You were just thinkin of that this whole time.
-I guess so, yeah. Hahaha.
-Let's go get a slurpee or something.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

By the Front Windows: Starbucks

-Hey, man! Long time no see.
-Hey, man. What's up? No kidding.
-How's life? Whattaya been up to?
-Nothing really. Haha. 
-Nah, not really. I got a job. Finished school, eh? Then decided I didn't wanna teach, haha. So now I'm working for Coca-Cola.
-I got engaged.
-What? Aw man. Congrats. Just outta the blue?
-Well kinda. I actually bought this stupid little ring like pretty much a year ago. 
-From this tiny little antique store.
-And I've been carrying the thing in my pocket. Like literally every day for a year, just kind of waiting.
-Hahaha. Cold feet?
-No, just wanted the perfect time.
-Ah. So when'd you do it?
-Last night, haha.
-What? Well congrats man.
-Ya thanks. 
-Good girl?
-Great girl. Great freakin girl. We were walking in the park. Haha. Oh man. And it started raining a bit, and then hailing a bit. Like pretty much nothing. But she was freaking out. Like just running back to the car. So I chased her down and grabbed her and just asked her. Down on one knee and asked her.
-Haha. In the rain? 
-In the rain. I thought if I wasn't gonna ask her in a hail storm when was I gonna ask her? Hahaha.
-Haha. And she said yes, obviously?
-She said yes. And I feel like-- I shoulda just asked her a year ago.
-That's great, dude.
-Ya thanks man. I feel great. You should find a girl and get married.
-Oh, I'm workin on it. I'm workin on it.

Monday, 17 June 2013

The Booth Behind Us: Denny's

-You've gotta get outta there, man. You gotta distance yourself from her.
-What are you even talking about? Are you listening to this guy?
-I'm stayin outta this one. I don't want nothing with this one.
-I'm serious, man. First you were just milking her--
-Man, shut up.
-And now she's sucking you dry.
-Seriously, shut up.
-It's  totally messed up. The whole thing.
-Dude, she's my fucking mother. What should I do with her? Just throw her out?
-Move out, you idiot. She lived without you for how many years.
-Are you listening to this guy? Are you just gonna sit there?
-I'm stayin outta this, man. Every time you start talking about this you guys start fighting.
-Man, shut the hell up.
-Dude, we're in a restaurant. 
-Damnit. Who cares?
-Tell me this. You think you'll ever get a girl to be with you if you live with your mom?
-Man, screw you. You saw me in Saskatoon. You saw me. Tell him.
-Yeah tell him. Seriously. Tell him what Matt said.
-No way, man. I'm staying the hell outta all of this.
-No tell him. Don't be a dick.
-Ask Matt. Just ask Matt.
-Whatever. Matt's a goddam liar anyway.
-Tell him, man. Seriously, just tell him.
-Ok. You want me to tell it?
-I don't care. It's all gonna be lies anyways.
-Ok. Well that girl you were gettin all up on? 
-What girl?
-In Saskatoon.
-K whatever.
-You know which one.
-Ya. Ya. I know which one, come on.
-Ok, well. She told Matt you were kinda really creepin her right out.
-Oh screw that. Matt's just a goddam liar, man. I backed off that girl as soon as she told me she had kids. She was the one waving her ass out the window and climbing all over me. Remember that?
-I'm just saying.
-The point is if you brought her back home and your mom's sleepin on the couch, you're gonna have a hard time gettin any.
-Man, shut the hell up. You wanna step outside?
-Dude, people are listening.
-Who the hell cares.
-Calm down, I'm just sayin.
-Fuck, I thought you were staying out of this.
-I am. I am.
-Calm down, man.
-You calm down, you ffff-- I'm going for a smoke.
-I'll join you.
-I'll kick your ass if you join me.
-Settle down, man.
-You guys comin back?  Guys? Hey?
-Just pay for it, man. 
-You kidding me?
-I'll get it next time. Haha.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Around the Fireplace: Starbucks

-So, Happy Father's Day, men.
-Yeah, Yeah. Same to you. Any big plans?
-Oh nothing major. My daughter's bringing the kids over.
-That'll be nice.
-Ya, should be nice. Should be nice. Ya know when I was a kid my dad would run around in a dress all day. Hahaha. So I might try a bit of that.
-Hahaha. A dress?
-Well, you know it's part of my Scottish heritage, we run around in dresses-- I mean skirts-- I mean kilts. Haha.
-Oooh, Hahaha.
-Haha. Dad always got his out on Father's Day.
-Oh, I see. Interesting. And have you got one?
-Oh yeah. He left me his in fact.
-Really? Oh, I see. And so you'll wear it today?
-Oh I don't know. I might. I did last year.
-Ah. Nice little tradition.
-Yeah. Yep...
-I miss him the most on Father's Day.
-Yes. Yeah, me too. I miss mine too.