Friday 27 January 2012

Around [the same] Lunch Table: Luther College

-Have you seen his tattoo? It's amazing!
-Nah, he hasn't shown me.
-It's super cool. I'm gonna get one like it. But not as big. And behind my ear. Have you seen those?
-Honestly, I don't even really like tattoos. I've never seen the point of them.
-Really? I think they're cool. They're like a nice way of expressing yourself I think.
-I feel like they're just a fad. How is barbed wire an expression of yourself?
-Oh my god. Only an idiot would get something random like that. You have to get something that means something to you.
-I'm honestly gonna start a tattoo removal business. In like ten years. I'll make a killing off everyone who regrets getting their stupid tats.
-You're so dumb. They're like a work of art.
-I'll even give you a discount on your behind-the-ear cherry blossoms.
-Oh, your such an idiot.
-Hahaha ah hahaha

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