Thursday, 24 January 2013

Over the Counter: TD Canada Trust

-You guys ever get to go in the vault?
-Uh, yeah. We haveta go in there sometimes.
-There video cameras and alarms all over it?
-It's pretty secure, yeah.
-You ever think about robbing it?
-Sometimes I think I oughta rob a bank.
. . .
-Hahahahaha. I'm just messin' with ya. I'm just messin'. Just messin'. Hahaha.
-Heh heh. Ummm, do you need your receipt today,  sir?
-Oh. No, no. I'm good.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

In the Foyer: Central Library

-So... You been watching the hockey?
-Oh ya. Oh ya. I was gonna try not to, but there it is all the time on the TV now, so...
-Ah, I don't watch that garbage. I quit watching the year those Edmonton Oilers joined the league, and whoever else did that year.
-Way back then, eh?
-Ah. Too many teams. How can you keep track. There's even more now I guess, eh?
-Oh ya. Sure there is. There's somethin' like thirty some teams now.
-Too many. What's the point?
-I still like to watch it. Ya know it used to piss me off how those boys at work would go on and on about it. Wasting all their money on them bets or whatever they're up to, eh? But now you flip through the TV these days, the sports they're probably the least offensive thing showing these days.
-Ya. Haha. Ya. Sure thing.
-I don't even watch the TV anymore. It's like they're certain we're all stupid. Don't make a thing worth watching.
-No kidding. Ya that's for sure. Even the news is garbage.
-I still like a good game though. I do like the hockey.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

In Line: Starbucks

-Wait. Are you seriously trying to break up with me in line at Starbucks.
-Will you take it easy? Geeze.
-Take it easy? You're the one breaking up with me.
-I am not.
-Well what are you doing?
-I don't know. I wasn't gonna call it that.
-Well what are you gonna call it, dip-shit?
-Oh my God, would you shut up?
-What, you're afraid someone's gonna hear you breaking my heart.
-Oh my God.
-Well what the hell, Derrick? You ask me for coffee, and then break up with me before we even order? Am I supposed to sit down and whisper about all the friggen details?
-We don't have to get coffee.
-Screw you, I'm getting a goddamn coffee.
-Well I'm gonna go. Text me when you actually wanna talk about shit.
-Oh yeah. I'll text. Sure.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

In Line: World of Trout

-Man I love this song. I wish someone told me about Amy Winehouse a long time ago.
-You never heard of Amy Winehouse?
-OK. I wish someone convinced me of her brilliance a long time ago. I literally can't stop listening to her.
-She's that good?
-She's so good. I feel sad every time I listen to her. I wish I listened before she died.
-I feel like I missed out on the mourning period. Or something. Like I coulda grieved along with the world.
-Umm... Haha.
-Haha. But serious. I feel sad I didn't know her. Every time I listen to her.
-No body knew her.
-Hahaha. You know what I mean. I totally wish I coulda been friends with Amy Winehouse. I bet I coulda convinced her out of it.
-Killing herself?
-Yeah overdosing. Or whatever. I coulda shown her the way. Haha.
-Hahaha. I bet you could have.
-We shoulda been BFFs.
-Hahaha. You're so weird.
-But seriously you should listen to her.